Total price $12,514.00

Product Description


Why Choose Cut2D Pro?

Cut2D Pro gives you the power to produce complex 2D patterns with profile, pocket, drill and inlay toolpaths. With unlimited job and toolpath size, true shape nesting & job set-up sheets.

Cut2D Pro has easy to use vector drawing and editing tools with powerful 2D machining strategies for CNC routing, milling or engraving and provides a powerful but intuitive software solution for cutting parts on a CNC Router.


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Customer Reviews

It just based off of preference and budget ! My choice was premier plasma turn key and iv been all but happy and financially gaining since iv turn the computer on .. Thank U premier plasma Team !

Jesse Cuara

Couldn’t be happier with my 4x4 and 45xp. Been a long time coming having to wait weeks for laser company to cut my generic gussets and mounting plates. This is a game changer for my business and it’s only been 2 weeks since my first cut 👌🏼

Branding Stevens


Overall, happy with the machine, and it’s paid for itself 100x over. 2+ years here. Run it 40 hour a week in a production setting. No complaints. I keep my computer offline so it doesn’t do any updates. After 2 years of running, I recently replaced roller bearings.

Daniel Chaffee

6 Monkeys Fab

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